Specification for low embodied carbon
About Lesson

Dave Rayment
Rayment Structures

Dave Rayment headshot


Dave Rayment founded Rayment Structures in 2024. Having started his career as a design engineer at Alan Baxter & Associates, Dave gained an excellent grounding in the approach to working with existing and historic structures. He went on to work at Price & Myers and AKT II where he worked on prestigious and innovative projects including the East Beach Café in Littlehampton, the Diamond Bridge at the Queen Elizabeth Park and the Turner Contemporary Gallery in Margate.

Dave believes in combining imaginative thinking with a practical and rigorous attention to detail. He is known for his hands-on approach to design, pushing the limits of engineering whilst always keeping an eye on the practical details and buildability. Whilst complex problems sometimes require complex solutions, Dave strongly believes that taking the time to fully interrogate and understand problems will often yield the simplest and most cost-effective solutions. 

Rayment Structures

Structural Engineering Consultancy


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